• (910) 763-8163
  • info@stmaryhealthcenter.org
  • Wilmington, NC

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do we handle disability cases?

We do NOT handle disability cases. If you are planning on applying for disability, please inform our medical staff.

If I have a form of insurance, can I still make an appointment?

No, St. Mary Health Center requires no insurance or medicare/medicaid in order to receive services.

Are services an optional donation or do I have to pay for services?

Yes, you should pay for services provided.

How do I know if I meet the requirements to receive services?

St. Mary Health Center requires no insurance or medicare/medicaid and meet the Federal Poverty guidelines. You will need to bring in a proof of income i.e pay stub, W2, food stamp card, etc.

Do we provide a Pediatric Clinic?

Yes, we provide services to children 3-18 years old without dental insurance or medicaid.